Polo Tops
Price: $30 per polo top
The tops must be paid for in full when ordering. You can pay cash directly to any committee member, or post a cheque with your order details (see our contact page for our postal address), or email us along with your EFT receipt details.
Please make cheques payable to “56th Australian National Square Dance Convention”.
For South Australians, arrangements to pick up the top must be organised at the time of ordering, and orders can be passed on to Dawn each month at Society meetings (last Thursday of each month) through club reps.
Orders from Interstate will have their tops available at the Adelaide National in April 2015, and can be collected with registration packages.
Please give the following details with your order:
- Name
- State
- Phone number and/or email address
- Delivery Arrangements (eg pick up from SA club rep or committee member, or at the 2015 National Convention)
- Size (Ladies' sizes are 8 to 24, Men’s sizes are S,M,L,XL etc)